Background: A study was conducted by our Director of Missions examining the attendance of each of our Sarepta Churches. We discovered that 86% of the churches in Sarepta were plateaued or declining. Out of that study, a team was formed to begin to assist churches to reverse that trend.
The purpose of our CGRT is “Partnering with local churches to:
Assess their culture
Improve their health
Fulfill their mission
The CGRT plans at least one significant event that aims to improve church health each year.
The CGRT provides the opportunity for customized, one-on-one, assistance with each of the Sarepta churches that express a need. Here are some of the options that a church might consider doing:
Values and Vision Retreat: If you find that your church is needing to change the direction it is heading, perhaps you should consider this retreat. This is a Friday night and Saturday morning in which our DOM works with a team of people from the church to identify the values of the church and develop a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement. Contact our office to find our more details and schedule such an event.
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): When is the last time your leadership took the opportunity to examine the SWOT of your church. Strengths and Weaknesses are of an internal nature and you have some control of these. Opportunities and Threats are external in nature and you have no control over these. It this sounds like something you need to do, contact our office about more details and schedule a time to do this with your leadership.
MissionInsight Demographic Resource: What if you could zoom in on your specific area and harvest an incredible amount of demographic information regarding your “Jerusalem?” Our team can help you do just that. We can literally create a study that can examine a radius around your church and see who is there and what they are like. For our rural churches, probably a better way of doing that is by “drive time” to your church. Or if you wanted to do a blitz into a specific area and wanted to know who is there, MissionInsight can provide the name of the household, whether they are married or not and whether there are children in the house. A total of six reports are generated and one of those reports examines the beliefs of those people around you as well as their greatest needs. If this sounds like something you would like to have, please contact our office and we will send those documents to you immediately via email.
Strategic Planning Process: If your church has a need to look at a comprehensive approach to your future direction and need to do strategic planning, our CGRT will be glad to partner with you through that process. Typically, this could involve a series of meeting over several months with the idea that when finished, you have goals and objectives for your church. IF this is of need for your church, contact our office to discover more details.
Coaching: Maybe you personally need to sharpen your own focus and would like the assistance of someone to “coach” you. The CGRT is able to provide a “coach” for you. Coaching 101 by Robert Logan is the model used. “Coaching” is different than “Mentoring” from his approach. Rather than telling you what needs to be done like a Mentor might do, a coach attempts to assist you in discovering what God has for you and helps draw that out of you. Coaching is done over the phone with an hour-long conversation once a month. There is a covenant that the “coachee” and the “coach” enter into at the outset. If this is something that you help “sharpen your blade,” then contact our office for more details.
Small Church Worship Assistance: The CGRT has sponsored several workshops targeting our smaller churches who have part-time or volunteer worship leaders. In the most recent workshop, a LifeWay representative came and demonstrated how to use some of their resources. There are some online resources at that can be of great assistance to your church. We have a person who is willing to come and provide assistance in discovering how your church might use those tools. Please contact our office for more details and the person you need to contact.